Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tv Programming

Under normal conditions I let my son watch pretty much anything he chooses on certain channels. As it happened, I was walking past our family room and he was watching a program. It was a cartoon called "Adventure Time" I sat down to watch it with him and frankly I was shocked at some of the things the two main characters did in the program. Some of the things they did were extremely inappropriate for a young child to be watching. Not only was it advertised as a childrens program, it appears on Cartoon Network, a channel that is supposed to be for children only! Not only will I now be monitoring his tv watching more closely, I will also be watching Cartoon Network for other programs showing inappropriate content. Check http://www.expertsatellite.com for when this programs are being aired.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Hey there

I have undergone a LOT of changes since i last posted. My primary focus with this blog now is to inspire, create a dialogue re issues I'm passionate about. Thanks for reading Teresa

Friday, February 5, 2010


Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Not a whole lot going on, basically school and K.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I am so ready for a new pc. Absolutely cannot wait for my Mac !!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Nickelback !!!!!!

Nickelback on may 25 !!!!! Wooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooo totally ready right now !!!!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Another Soul Gone Too Soon

R.I.P Brittany Murphy you will be missed

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Letter to the Editor

I took a class this semester Church & Social Justice. It discussed how the Catholic Church is committed to solving the problems society faces. Poverty, racism, and war. We did a project regarding causes that related to the class. Mine was on the homeless problem and how one organization The Siena-Francis House is working to combat it. We were encouraged to send a letter to either a Public official or to send a letter to the editor. I sent a letter to the editor and this is what I wrote.

Dear Sirs,
I'm a little perplexed today. I know as a society we don't like to look at the ugly things we seem to encounter on a daily basis. The homeless person we encounter walking down the street, the person who hasn't been to a dentist in so long all their teeth are gone. And yet, there are a very special group of people who work tirelessly to make sure the homeless are taken care of, the ones who work with and fund raise for the shelters and food bank. I am writing today to ask why the City of Omaha contributes more than $500,000 a year to the Nebraska Humane Society but the Siena-Francis House receives $100,000. Don't get me wrong. I love dogs and cats as much as the next person, but an organization like Siena-Francis House which provides a much needed service to the homeless population of Omaha. I don't understand why this would or should occur. The Siena-Francis House is the only shelter in Omaha which provides a daytime shelter. It is unacceptable to me that we are building a multi-million dollar baseball stadium not far from Siena-Francis House and the city sees fit to give a pittance to them when they are assisting people who are going through the lowest point of their lives. Thank you for your time, A Concerned Citizen Teresa A. Ballard