Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Do You Know what I Love ?

I love when I call certain places, for example farms, a picture forms in my mind of old country farmhouses with oak trees draping over, the crickets chirping, a tire swing slowly moving back and forth in the breeze.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Reality is subjective. My reality is probably completely different than yours. Even though a world has been created that might or might not exist ? I couldn't resist wishing I could live there ! Not that the reality I live in now is awful. I just wanted more for my life. I knew exactly how to get it. Thanks


I am a single parent of a wonderful, challenging boy. I was watching a repeat of Oprah "The truth about Motherhood." Some of the things that were brought up in the show were things that I thought I was alone in thinking ! After watching the show I realized something. A friend had given me some advice a number of years ago while Kane was still small. "We do what we have to do to keep our kids happy and us sane." I knew consciously that some of the shortcuts that we Moms and Dads make may make us feel less than a perfect parent, but as long as its not harming our children, why not do it ? Do you really believe that your child is going to remember how many baths he or she took, or didn't take ? No what he or she will remember is the time they spent with you cuddling, reading a book on the couch or watching a video while cuddling on the couch. Thanks

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I was wondering ...

I saw a man and a woman out on a date. They were walking into a restaurant. He was walking in front of her and I wondered, was he ever told that a gentleman walks around the car to open her door for her, assists her in exiting the car and then walks with her wherever they are going ? Its also nice when a man stands up when a woman enters or exits a room. Just an FYI. Thanks